Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Health Benefits Of Farm Products

Health Benefits Of Farm Products

Organically grown food has multiple health benefits as compared to inorganic food items. The organic food contains beneficial nutrients in the form of simple compounds which can be digested by human body. Chemical fertiliser has complex compounds which human body can not digest and it has therefore has side effects to our body.

Some people are very much conscious about what they eat and what they feed to their family. Always plan for organic food products to keep your family's health at its best. We are planning to move slowly towards organic food.

Now a days we are able to hear about Organic Milk. That means cows and buffaloes are fed the organic farm items like hydroponic and organic legumes to collect the organic milk from them. The cost therefore is little high.

Some people are not able to digest diary products like milk. That is called Lactose Intolerance. This is because the person's digestive system is not up to the mark which can digest the lactose content in the milk. But they should not avoid milk as this is the main source of protein and many other beneficial vitamins. The person should drink warm water before having the milk or milk products. Then the lactose will be digested properly.

Meat from farm animals is one more best source of food. Goat meat is the best for human body as goats eat green leaves. Goat mainly eat Neem leaf and digests a larger part of it. So goat meat is the best meat available for humans.

Milk, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, legumes like this many things can be grown in an integrated farming. The economy of India or any country to that matter can be improved by giving some importance to farming. Government is already supporting the farmers in many ways to produce high quality food product for the public.

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